Portrait Tiago Silva Alves Muniz

Tiago Silva Alves Muniz

Voir les contenus associés

tiago.samuniz@gmail.comPost-doctorant.esAncien post-doctorant (EXORIGINS, 2022-2023)

Thèmes de recherche

- Rubber industry

- Rubber seeds

- Latex, circulation

- Flows

- Local knowledge

- Global stories

Sujets de recherche

Projet post-doctoral : "The struggle for rubber or how a specie moved (around) the world"

What was the role of the flux of international interest in the lower Amazon region in the access of plants of the species Hevea brasiliensis? How did the circulation of knowledge and people promote the diffusion of rubber around the world? The research problem here aims to assess the effective role of French and English rubber companies where the rubber seeds came from in order to understand such commercial relations and 'botanical mentalities' at the turn of the 18th to 19th century. This project aims to deepen studies on the movement of plants and people in the context of the rubber cycle (1850-1920) in the Lower Amazon.

Contrat post-doctoral, projet EXORIGINS (15/11/2022 - 15/11/2023)

Thèse soutenue : "From the materiality of the rubber boom (1850-1920) to the agents of the elastic god in the lower amazon: Archaeology and entanglements in An Emerging Present"

This thesis discusses the achievement of 70.000 rubber seeds by Henry Wickham at the Lower Amazon. In 1876, Wickham sold these seeds collected at Santarem (Para State, Brazil) to Kew Gardens and from the germinated seeds the rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) was introduced at Ceylon collapsing the rubber economy in Brazil. Rubber products such as gloves, snow boots, tires, and industrial items by the turn of 20th century help to shape the world to what one might call ‘modern’. In this sense, one could say that asepsis and globalization were hatched under the production of rubber materials. Nevertheless, the place where the native rubber tree seeds were collected was left behind. Nowadays, most of these rubber tappers’ communities at Lower Amazon yet have, no electric power and thrive mainly from traditional practices (hunting, fishing, producing manioc flour and selling forest products, in minor scale). Through archaeological remains found at the village of Boim (Santarém, Pará), historical data and material culture involved in the materiality of the rubber period here it will be discussed how rubber became one of the black boxes of modernity - in a Latourian perspective - and how today people deal with this heritage and its future

Advisor : Diogo Menezes Costa (Federal University of Pará - UFPA)

Co-advisor : Floriano Pastore Jr. (University of Brasília - UnB)

Foreigener supervisor : Cornelius Holtorf (Linnaeus University - Lnu)


2022    Deminicis, R.B., Muniz, T.S.A. and D'Almeida, C.A., 2022. Manguebeat e Arqueologia: Será Que dá “Samba Aqui”? Um Ensaio Etnoarqueológico Por Ontologias Relacionais. Tessituras: Revista de Antropologia e Arqueologia, 10(1), pp.266-291.

2021    Muniz, T.S.A.; Saladino, A., 2021. Museus E Sustentabilidade: Reflexões Sobre Educação Museal E Emergência Climática. Revista Habitus-Instituto Goiano de Pré-História e Antropologia, 19(1), pp.39-59.

2021    Bolin, A.; Muniz, T. S. A. 2021. Das elites e da ética: a quem interessa os estudos de patrimônio cultural? Reflexões a partir da etnografia do patrimônio em Ruanda. Revista de Ciências Humanas Caeté. 3(2). pp. 1-11.

2021    Muniz, T.S.A., 2021. From Historical Maps to Social Cartography in the Lower Amazon, Pará State, Brazil: Historical and Contemporary Archeology approaches to the Rubber Boom. Livingmaps Review. Issue 10. Waypoints. London. UK.

2021    MUNIZ, T.S.A. & SALADINO, A. Museus e Sustentabilidade: Reflexões Sobre Educação Museal E Emergência Climática. Revista Habitus-Instituto Goiano de Pré-História e Antropologia, 19(1), pp.39-59.

2021    MUNIZ, T., Towards an archaeology of rubber. Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies, 9(2), pp.233-251.

2020    HOLTORF, C. & MUNIZ, T.S.A. Cultural heritage building up future thinking. Cadernos do LEPAARQ (UFPEL), 17(34), pp.337-344.

2020    SALADINO, A. & MUNIZ, T.S.A. Percepções sobre patrimônio cultural, efetividades e possibilidades. Cadernos do LEPAARQ (UFPEL), 17(34), pp.326-336.

2020    MUNIZ, T.S.A. Arqueologia Histórica e Contemporânea na Amazônia: por uma arqueologia elástica. Cadernos do LEPAARQ (UFPEL), 17(34), pp.272-289.

2020    MUNIZ, T.S.A. Applied Heritage and Critical Heritage Studies engaging society to sustainability and Heritage Futures. Cadernos do LEPAARQ (UFPEL), 17(34), pp.44-57.

2020    MUNIZ, T. S. A. & ALMANSA-SANCHEZ. Make (Contemporary) Archaeology Great Again. FestivalCHAT. Portfolio. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23481.80488

2020    MUNIZ, T. S. A. Rubber as toxic heritage: The creation of a material that changed the world and the materiality of rubber period (1850-1920) at the Brazilian Amazon. 5th Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies. University College London, UK

2020    MUNIZ, T. S. A. A Time Travel to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil? 1876, the year that changed the world. Bridging Ages Newsletter. October, 2020.

2020    MUNIZ, Tiago. More-than-Human Stories Among Brazilian Rubber Seeds from a Local-Global Perspective and Its Entanglements. The Actvist History Review. April 30th.

2020    MUNIZ, T. S. A. Ensaio sobre arqueologia do período da borracha no Baixo Amazonas: materialidade, ontologia e patrimônio. Oficina Do Historiador, 13(1), e36732.

2020    SALADINO, Alejandra & MUNIZ, Tiago. No meio do caminho tinha um vírus: reflexões sobre os impactos do COVID-19 sobre o patrimônio cultural. Revista Museu. 18 de maio de 2020. ISSN: 1981-6332.

2019    MUNIZ, Tiago Silva Alves. Os agentes do deus elástico no Baixo Amazonas: apontamentos sobre materialidade e patrimônio do período da borracha. Aceno – Revista de Antropologia do Centro-Oeste, 6 (11): 81-96, janeiro a julho de 2019. ISSN: 2358-5587

2019    MUNIZ, Tiago SA. From the Materiality of Rubber Boom (1850-1920) to the ‘Agents of the Elastic God’at Lower Amazon: Entanglement in an Emerging Present. CHAT 2020. MOLA. London.

2019    MUNIZ, T. S. A. Materiais e Fluxos na Amazônia Colonial: Evidências da Presença de Africanos Escravizados no Sítio Aldeia (Santarém, Pará). Revista de Arqueologia. To be published.

2019    PELACANI, B., MUNIZ, T.S.A.; PEREIRA, C.S. Educação Ambiental crítica e estudos de patrimônio crítico: intersecções e virada para pedagogias decoloniais. Revista Brasileira de Educação Ambiental (RevBEA), 14(2), pp.133-151.

2018    Muniz, T.S.A.; Pereira, I.B. Arqueologia Histórica no Médio Amazonas: a região de Santarém sob olhar da etnohistória e arqueologia do presente. Revista Ciências Da Sociedade, 1(2), pp.139-155.

2017    MUNIZ, T. S. A.; GOMES, D. M. C. . Identidades materializadas na Amazônia Colonial: a cerâmica dos séculos XVIII e XIX do sítio Aldeia, Santarém, PA. Vestígios. Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, v. 11, p. 52-76.

Communications orales

2021    MUNIZ, T. S. A., STOBIECKA, M., HARICHARAN, S. Archaeological Mobilities. Piligrim CHAT - CONTEMPORARY AND HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY IN THEORY. Santiago de Compostela. Spain.

2020    MUNIZ, T. S. A. Rubber as toxic heritage: The creation of a material that changed the world and the materiality of rubber period (1850-1920) at the Brazilian Amazon. 5th Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies. University College London, UK

2019    MUNIZ, Tiago SA. From the Materiality of Rubber Boom (1850-1920) to the ‘Agents of the Elastic God’at Lower Amazon: Entanglement in an Emerging Present. CHAT 2020. MOLA. London.

2018    MUNIZ, T. S. A.. Da historiografia da belle époque às narrativas locais sobre o ciclo e decadência da borracha na Amazônia: apontamentos sobre patrimônio, arqueologia histórica e contemporânea. In: 31ª REUNIÃO BRASILEIRA DE ANTROPOLOGIA, 2018, Brasília. Anais da 31ªRBA.

2018    MUNIZ, T. S. A.. Da historiografia da belle époque às narrativas locais sobre o ciclo e decadência da borracha na Amazônia: apontamentos sobre patrimônio, arqueologia histórica e contemporânea. In: 31ª Reunião Brasileira De Antropologia, 2018, Brasília. Anais da 31ªRBA.

2017    MUNIZ, T. S. A.; PELACANI, B. C. . Abordagem crítica da Educação Ambiental e Patrimonial: conexões possíveis rumo ao pensamento pós-colonial. In: IX EPEA - Encontro 'Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental', 2017, Juiz de Fora. Anais do IX EPEA – Encontro.

2017    MUNIZ, T. S. A.. Arqueologia De Contato Na Amazônia: A Paisagem Social No Estabelecimento De Ocupação Histórica No Médio Amazonas (Santarém, Pará). In: IV CIAEE - Congresso Iberoamericano de Arqueologia, Etnologia e Etno-história: Antropologia Sociocultural e suas interfaces disciplinares, 2017, Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. Arqueologia De Contato Na Amazônia: A Paisagem Social No Estabelecimento De Ocupação Histórica No Médio Amazonas (Santarém, Pará).


2017    Lecturer, “Brazilian Archaeology”, Undergraduate Program in Archaeology and Anthropology, UFOPA, Santarém, Pará

2017    Lecturer, “Material Culture” Undergaduate Program in Archaeology and Anthropology, UFOPA, Santarém, Pará

2017    Lecturer, “Introduction to field practices in Archaeology” Undergraduate Program in Archaeology and Anthropology, UFOPA, Santarém, Pará

2017    Lecturer, “Introduction to Scientific Methodology” Undergraduate Program in Archaeology and Anthropology, UFOPA, Santarém, Pará

2017    Lecturer, “Introduction to Archaeology” Undergraduate Program in Archaeology and Anthropology, UFOPA, Santarém, Pará

Vulgarisation scientifique

2022    “Novos resultados de arqueologia sobre a formação social e econômica da Amazônia”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09z-wKOl9VI&ab_channel=IneafUFPA

2020    “O impacto da crise no patrimônio e cultura sob o olhar da ciência”, 10º Encontro do Patrimônio Fluminense https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scE4_yuNWRk&ab_channel=SemanaFluminensedoPatrim%C3%B4nio37 :35 a 56 :35 min



2019 ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility for Training – Mobility Agreement, Kew Gardens, London, UK

2019-2020 CAPES PDSE, international internship, Linnaeus University; area of knowledge: anthropology/archaeology

2019 PROAP, fieldwork grant, analysis of historical material, glass and stoneware bottles, training in rubber processing, UnB

Dernière mise à jour : novembre 2022

Tous les contenus associés


