The Spatial Inscription of Science in the Twentieth Century
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The Spatial Inscription of Science in the Twentieth Century

History of Science, vol. 59, n°2

Direction d'ouvrage

Andrée Bergeron et Charlotte Bigg

Editions SAGE Publishing
Lien(s) externe(s) SAGE Publishing
ISSN 0073-2753
Thématique(s)Histoire Sciences

Le numéro spécial "The Spatial Inscription of Science in the Twentieth Century", dirigé par Andrée Bergeron (CNRS, CAK) et Charlotte Bigg (CNRS, CAK), est paru dans la revue History of Science (volume 59, n°2) en juin 2021.

Extrait de l'introduction, par Andrée Bergeron et Charlotte Bigg :

With their landmark architectures, exhibitions and museums of science and technology partake in the spatial inscription of science in twentieth century landscapes. Unlike other beacons of progress, exhibitions and museums of science and technology double up, inside, as material arrangements of objects, visuals and texts aiming to confer meaning onto the modern world. They both embody and seek to order the spectacle of modernity while often being deployed with the aim of promoting particular visions of social and material progress. An approach sensitive to the material, spatial, and experiential dimensions of displaying science and technology suggests that exhibitions and museums were in the twentieth century crucial sites for reflecting upon and promoting particular futures.

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