Spectacular astronomy
Type de publication et date de parutionRevue
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Spectacular astronomy

Early popular visual culture

Direction d'ouvrage

Charlotte Bigg, Kurt Vanhoutte

Editions Routledge
Lien(s) externe(s) Routledge
ISSN 1746-0654

The science of astronomy is, perhaps, more than any other which can be named of the whole circle, the very science of which a popular display may most successfully be aided by the ornamental arts. Music, painting, sculpture, may be called in as auxiliaries, with powerful effect, and manifest benefit; a tasteful introduction of poetry may be deemed almost essential to success; and we would undertake that Urania need not disdain the co-operation of Terpsichore herself.

Never was a medium of demonstration produced as instructive as this, never one more fascinating in effect, and never one which appeals to everybody as this does. It is a school, theatre and film all in one, a lecture hall under the vault of the heavens, and a spectacle in which the celestial bodies are actors.

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