Type d'événement, date(s) et adresse(s)Colloque et journée(s) d'étude
Du à 9h au à 16h30.
EHESS (salle 15), 190-198 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris

Empires et politiques de la logique


Élément jointTaille
Affiche354.89 Ko
Programme complet322 Ko
Empires et politiques de la logique

Organisateurs : Julie Brumberg-Chaumont (LEM/CNRS), Alain de Libera (Collège de France), Antonella Romano (CAK/EHESS).





26 janvier 2017




Présidente de séance : Antonella Romano


9h - Julie Brumberg-Chaumont (LEM/CNRS)




9h30 - Jonardon Ganeri (New York university)


“European Receptions of Indian Logic”


10h15 - Pause café


10h45 - Ana Carolina Hosne (UNSAM/IEA, Paris)


“Jesuit views on ‘rhetoric’ and ‘dialectic’ in the missions to China and Tibet (16th-18th centuries)”.


11h30 - Roberto Hofmeister Pich (Université Cathlique Pontificale Pontifícal, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre)


“Structure and Groundworks of the first Peruvian and Scotist Logic published in South America”.


12h15 - Alfredo Storck (Université Fédérale du Brésil, Porto Alegre)


“When Logic arrives in the Tropics:  Portuguese Jesuits and the Teachings of Logic during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries”.


13h-14h30 - Déjeuner




Président de séance : Antonella Romano


14h30 - Okihito Utamura (Université de Nimègue)


“Logic and Teaching in Renaissance Italy”.


15h15 - Pause café


15h45 - Earline Jennifer Ashworth (Waterloo university)


“The Context of Logic Teaching in Late 15th and 16th Century Britain”.


16h30 - Arthur Huiban (université de Genève)


“Commonplaces from Dialectic to Exegesis and Homiletics : the Logical Foundations of Melanchthon's Pedagogy”.


17h15 - Martine Pécharman (UMR 8566 CNRS-EHESS)


“Seventeenth-century New Natural Philosophy and the Requirement of a New Logic”




27 janvier 2017




Présidente de séance : Martine Pécharman


9h30 - Jacob Schmutz (Université Paris IV)


“Metaphysical Logic vs. Psychological Logic: on the Evolution of French Logic Textbooks in the Seventeenth Century”.


10h15 - Joseph Freedman (Alabama State University)


1. “Logic in its Institutional Context During the 16th- and 17th-Century Central Europe”.


11h - Pause café


11h30 - Joseph Freedman (Alabama State University)


2. “Invention, Judgment, and the Three Operations of the Human Intellect in Early Modern Logic”.


12h15 - Charles Manekin (University of Maryland)


“Hebrew Commentaries on the Arabic Organon in Europe”


13h -Déjeuner




Présidente de séance : Julie Brumberg-Chaumont


14h30 - Mauro Zonta (Université “la Sapienza”, Rome)


“Giuda Messer Leon and his Miklal Yofi”


15h15 - Tony Street (Cambridge university)


“Commentary and Creativity in the Arabic Logical Tradition”


16h - Pause café


16h30 - Table-ronde animée par Julie Brumberg-Chaumont, Antonella Romano et Alain de Libera


Avec la participation of Pascale Bermon (LEM/CNRS) et de Magali Roques (université de Genève)


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