Type d'actualité et date de publicationChercheur.es accueilli.es au CAK

Jaume Sastre-Juan

Du 1er septembre 2022 au 31 août 2023

Jaume Sastre-Juan

Chercheur à l'Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Joelle Abi-Rached).

Thèmes de recherche

- Politique de la mise en scène des sciences et des techniques

- Histoire de la vulgarisation scientifique

- Histoire et philosophie de la technologie

Travaux en cours

- Sastre-Juan, Jaume; Bergeron, Andrée; Nieto-Galan, Agustí (eds.) (in preparation), Science Popularization as Cultural Diplomacy: UNESCO (1946-1958).

Book in preparationas a result of two international workshops on the subject. The goal of this project is to explore the history of international science popularization policies and practices at UNESCO as tools for governance and cultural diplomacy from the Huxley-Needham administration to the end of Auger's leadership in 1958. From its creation after World War II, UNESCO became a political battleground in which different visions of science and the world order fought for hegemony. As it is well known, Julian Huxley (1887-1975) and Joseph Needham (1900-1995) were the first General Director and the first Director of the Natural Sciences Division. Their administration stressed the "social implications of science" -through the influence of Bernalist Marxism- and the "periphery principle" in international relations. They also included science popularization in its priorities, but UNESCO's popularization program would only start once the Cold War increased in intensity and Huxley and Needham's policies were substituted by the leadership of the physicist Pierre Auger (1899-1993) as new head of the Natural Sciences Division. Who were the main actors behind the global science popularization program at UNESCO? What were their political agendas? What were their specific approaches to science, internationalism, diplomacy and popularization? How were UNESCO's popularization policies actually implemented around the world in different national and local contexts? What was the role of science popularization in the global reconfiguration of international relations? Historiographically, the project engages with the literature that has focused on the politics of science popularization, the literature which is reassessing scientific internationalism as a historically and ideologically situated practice and the renovated interest in science and diplomacy.

- Sastre-Juan, Jaume; Valentines-Álvarez, Jaume; Zarzoso, Alfons (eds.) (in preparation), Museos, ciencia y política en la Barcelona pre-olímpica (1975-1992).

Book in preparation as a result of the research project “Museus, classrooms and politics: Scientific Culture in the Spanish Transition” (https://musaupol.hypotheses.org/), which I coordinate together with Josep Simon (Universitat de València). The project deals with the cultural politics of science and technology in Spain during the Spanish Transition by focusing on two spaces: the classroom and the museum. It does so through a broad range of case studies that analyse the pedagogical practices in the experimental sciences as well as the display of science and technology, always in relation to the political changes that were taking place in that period. The project aims to look at a period that has an extensive yet still relatively new body of literature from a new angle, using the lens of the history and science and approaching it with methodologies that include traditional printed and manuscript sources as well as the analysis of exhibition objects and spaces, and oral history.

Éléments de bibliographie

Direction de numéros spéciaux de revues

Sastre-Juan, Jaume; Valentines-Álvarez, Jaume (2019), “Fear and Fun: The Banalization of Nuclear Technologies through Display”, Centaurus, 61 (1).

Articles et chapitres d'ouvrages

Sastre-Juan, Jaume (2023 – in press), “Un innocent presse-bouton: pour une histoire politique de  l’‘interactivité’ dans les musées de science”, in Bergeron, Andrée; Bigg, Charlotte (eds.), Les mises en scène des sciences et leurs enjeux politiques et culturels (19è-21è siècles), Paris: Presses du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle.

Valentines-Álvarez, Jaume; Sastre-Juan, Jaume (2022), “A Fascist Coney Island? Salazar’s Dictatorship, Popular Culture and Technological Fun (1933-1940)”, in Simões, Ana; Diogo, Maria Paula (eds.), Lisbon (1880-1940): Visions and Identities of a Techno-Scientific Atlantic Capital, Leiden: Brill, 391-418.

Sastre-Juan, Jaume (2021), “‘Science in Action’: The Politics of Hands-on Display at the New York Museum of Science and Industry”, History of Science, 59 (2), 155-178.

Sastre-Juan, Jaume (2021), “Philanthropy, Mass Media and Cultural Hegemony: The Rockefeller Foundation and the Politics of Science Popularization in the 1930s”, in Badino, Massimiliano; Omodeo, Pietro Daniel (eds.), Cultural Hegemony in a Scientific World: Gramscian Concepts for the History of Science, Leiden: Brill, 297-318.

Sastre-Juan, Jaume; Valentines-Álvarez, Jaume (2019), “Fear and Fun: The Banalization of Nuclear Technologies through Display”, Centaurus, 61 (1), 2-13.

Sastre-Juan, Jaume (2019), “‘If You Tilt This Game, Will It Explode?’: The Politics of Nuclear Display at the New York Hall of Science, 1966-1973”, Centaurus, 61 (1), 33-50.

Valentines-Álvarez, Jaume; Sastre-Juan, Jaume (2019), “The Failed Technology Museum of Catalonia: Engineers and the Politics of the Musealization of Technology in Barcelona (1929-1939)”, Nuncius, 34 (1), 128-154.

Sastre-Juan, Jaume; Valentines-Álvarez, Jaume (2016), “Technological Fun: The Politics and Geographices of Amusement Parks”, in Hochadel, Oliver; Nieto-Galan, Agustí (eds.), Barcelona (1888-1929): An Urban History of Science and Modernity, London and New York, Routledge, 92-112.

Sastre-Juan, Jaume (2016), “Pilgrimages to the Museums of the New Age: Appropriating European Industrial Museums in New York City (1927-1937)”, Science Museum Group Journal, Issue 6, http://journal.sciencemuseum.ac.uk/browse/issue-06/pilgrimages-to-the-museums-of-the-new-age/


Sastre-Juan, Jaume (2013). Un laboratori de divulgació tecnològica : El New York Museum of Science and Industry i la política de la museïtzació de la tecnologia als Estats Units (1912-1951). Bellaterra : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, https://www.tdx.cat/handle/10803/129394?show=full&locale-attribute=en

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